Sponsoring Short-Term Visitors

Use the table below to determine which option is most suitable, then find that option at the bottom of the page for full information.

Considerations Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Duration of Visit

Less than 9 days of activity (presence can be 9 days or more)

More than 9 days

More than 9 days & less than 6 months

Already in US

Visa Options

  • B1 (business),
  • B2 (tourist) or
  • VWP (visa waiver program
  • B1 (business),
  • B2 (tourist) or
  • VWP (visa waiver program
  • J-1 short-term scholar

In US on non-immigrant visa already

Allowable Compensation

  • Honorarium and/or
  • Reimbursement for expenses

Reimbursement for expenses ONLY

Payment for services, including salary and/or Reimbursement for expenses

Depends on visa type

Immigration Issues & Action Required

Tax / Payment Issues

Honorarium: May be taxable. Taxes 30% unless tax treaty between US & home country. A SSN or ITIN number is required.
Reimbursement: Proof of expenses. No tax liability.

Reimbursement: Use per diem rate or provide proof of expenses. No tax liability.

Salary is taxable at 30% unless tax treaty applies. A SSN or ITIN number is required.

Depends on visa type


Option 1: B1/B2 or Visa Waiver Program
Option 2: B-1 or Visa Waiver
Option 3: J-1 Short-Term Scholar
Option 4: Non-resident alien already in the U.S.