Summer (June & July) OISS Online OrientationFor all new international students OISS Pre-College OrientationFor students visiting Tulane in the Pre-College Program OISS F-1 Graduate Business School OrientationFor Graduate students in Master of Finance and Master of Management in Energy starting in July OISS Law School OrientationFor all new international Law Students starting in July image/svg+xml Fall (August) OISS Online OrientationFor all new international students OISS F-1 School of Medicine OrientationFor all new F-1 international students in the School of Medicine OISS F-1 Graduate OrientationFor all new F-1 Graduate Degree-Seeking Students OISS Welcome EventsFor new International Undergraduate, Graduate, and Visiting Exchange Students and their familiesOISS F-1 Undergraduate Student OrientationFor all new F-1 Undergraduate (Including Transfer) Degree-Seeking Students OISS J-1 Exchange Student OrientationFor all Graduate and Undergraduate J-1 Exchange Students image/svg+xmlSpring (January) OISS Online OrientationFor all new international students OISS International Student OrientationAll new International Students (Graduate Degree-Seeking, Undergraduate Degree-Seeking, and Visiting J-1 Exchange)