OISS Building Closure 

Due to the New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane University on Thursday, March 27 through Saturday, March 29, OISS will adjust our building operations to accomodate higher traffic in the Uptown area. Our office will close early on Thursday, March 27 at 4:30 PM and our building will be physically closed all of Friday, March 28. We will reopen for normal building operations on Monday, March 31. If you have an in-person appointment, please connect with your OISS advisor to discuss switching to virtual. 

 - The OISS Team

212 (e) 2-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

The Two-Year Home Residency Requirement is often referred as the 212(e). Only the U.S. Department of State can determine if a J-1 and/or J-2 is subject to the 212(e). If subject, a J-visa holder will have to physically reside within their last country of legal permanent residence for two years before s/he may return to the U.S. as an H-1B, L, K status or as a Permanent Resident.  If subject, J-visitors are unable to apply for a change of status within the USA.  Being "subject" to this regulation does not prevent a visitor from returning to the U.S. in another visa status, such as F-1 (student), B1/B2 (tourist/business) or under the visa waiver program. Those subject to the two-year home residency requirement may work with an immigration attorney to inquire about obtaining a waiver

There are three reasons a J-1 visitor may be subject to the 212(e):

• J-1 program is funded in part or wholly by the United States government, the visitor's government, or an international organization.
• the J-1 program is engaged in one or more of the skills listed on the Exchange Visitor Skills List for his/her country.
• the J-1 visa holder is receiving graduate medical education or training.

For more information on J-1 two-year requirement, visit the Department of State website.

It is important to know if one is subject to 212 (e) when making plans.  Contact the OISS for more information.