OISS Building Closure 

Due to the New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane University on Thursday, March 27 through Saturday, March 29, OISS will adjust our building operations to accomodate higher traffic in the Uptown area. Our office will close early on Thursday, March 27 at 4:30 PM and our building will be physically closed all of Friday, March 28. We will reopen for normal building operations on Monday, March 31. If you have an in-person appointment, please connect with your OISS advisor to discuss switching to virtual. 

 - The OISS Team

E-Filing Your Application

Important Note: Before following the below instructions, remember that you first need to submit the OPT Request E-Form / STEM OPT I-20 Recommendation Application to OISS with all the supplementary documents. If approved, you should've received an I-20 with an updated OPT/STEM Recommendation that you should've printed and signed.

This page provides detailed instructions on how to file your OPT/STEM application online by creating and utilizing a USCIS online account to e-file Form I-765.  The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and is reflective of USCIS' current online filing procedures. As always, we will try our best to keep this guide up-to-date as much as possible so please be aware that additions/deletions/modifications to the content may happen without any prior notice and/or they might also take some time to be updated.

The purpose of these instructions are to help you complete your application, but they should not be considered legal advice.  It is your responsibility, as the OPT/STEM applicant, to ensure that your OPT/STEM application is accurate and complete before you submit it to the US government. Incomplete applications could result in a delay in processing time or denial.

Please review each item carefully to ensure that the e-filing of the I-765 is done correctly. You can also download a PDF version of these instructions.


First Steps and Getting Started

Create or Log in to your USCIS Account:

Follow instructions for creating a USCIS Online Account or log in to your USCIS account if you already have one.

Select “File a Form Online” and choose “Application for Employment Authorization (I-765)”. 


Basis of Eligibility

If you are applying for work authorization that begins after you graduate, select Post-Completion OPT c(3)(B).  

If you are currently on Post-Completion OPT and eligible for the two-year STEM extension, select STEM OPT c(3)(C). Selecting this option will immediately prompt you to input: 

  • Degree
  • Employer’s Name as listed on E-verify
  • E-verify Number (Usually 4 – 7 Digits. The E-verify number is not the same as the EIN.) 

Reason For Applying

Initial permission to accept employment: Select this option if you are applying for Post-Completion OPT (work that begins after you graduate).

Renewal of permission to accept employment: Select this option if you are applying for your STEM OPT Extension.

Have you previously filed Form I-765? 

  • Select ‘Yes’ if:
    • You have previously applied for OPT.
    • You are applying for your STEM OPT Extension.
    • You have ever submitted the I-765 for work authorization to the USCIS.
  • Select ‘No’ if:
    • You have only ever worked on campus.
    • You have only ever worked off-campus via CPT.

Preparer and Interpreter Information

Is someone assisting you with completing this application?

  • Select 'No'


About You

Your Name

What is your current legal name?

  • The name should match what is indicated on your passport.
  • If you do not have a middle name, please leave it blank. DO NOT put N/A.

Have you used any other names since birth?

  • If No:
    • Select ‘No’ and continue to the next section.
  • If Yes:
    • Select ‘Yes’ and provide all other names you have ever used, including aliases, maiden name, and nicknames.

Your Contact Information

(Click on the image to enlarge)

How may we contact you?

  • Enter your phone number and/or mobile phone number.
  • Enter your email address (you can continue to use your Tulane email).

What is your current US mailing address?

  • For Post-Completion OPT Applicants:
    • We strongly recommend you use OISS’s address as indicated in the image above. That means that any correspondence from USCIS will arrive to our office.
  • For STEM OPT Extension Applicants:
    • Feel free to use your own mailing address to receive all the materials to your current location.
    • This must be a US address and it should be valid into the future, when your OPT application is approved.

Is your current mailing address the same as your physical address?

  • Select ‘Yes’ if:
    • Your mailing address (where you would are receiving USCIS correspondence) is the same as where you physically live in the US.
  • Select ‘No’ if:
    • You have used the OISS address (or someone else’s) as your mailing address. Selecting ‘No’ prompt you to then write your current address.

Describe Yourself

What is your gender?

  • Mark the box that describes you.

What is your marital status?

  • Mark the box that describes you.


When and Where You Were Born

What is your city, town, or village of birth?

  • Type in with your place of birth information.

What is your state or province of birth?

  • Type in your state or province of birth information.

What is your country of birth?

  • Select your country of birth information.

What is your date of birth?

  • Provide your date of birth in the indicated format.


Your Immigration Information

(Click on the image to enlarge)

What is your country of citizenship or nationality?

  • Select the name of the country where you are currently a citizen or national.  If you are a citizen or national of more than one country, select ‘+ Add Country’ to add all of the countries where you hold citizenship.

What is your Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number (if any)?

When did you last arrive in the US? (This information is in your I-94 record.)

  • List your arrival date, place of arrival, and your status of last arrival.
  • Your status of last arrival should be ‘F-1 Student, Academic, or Language Program’ as noted on your I-94. However, if it is listed as something else, contact OISS for guidance on correcting it.

What is the passport number of your most recently issued passport?

  • This information can be found on the biographical page of your passport.

What is your travel document number (if any)?

  • We recommend you leave this blank.

The answer to these two questions can be found on your passport:

  • What is the expiration date of your passport or travel document? What country issued your passport or travel document?

What is your current immigration status or category?

  • Select ‘F-1 Student, Academic, or Language Program’

What is your Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Number (if any)?

  • Use the SEVIS number listed in the top left corner of your most recently issued I-20. 


Other Information


What is your A-Number?

  • If you have had a previous EAD card the number.
  • If you don’t have one click on ‘I do not have or know my A-Number.

What is your USCIS Online Account Number?

  • Either list your account number or select “I do not have or know my USCIS online account number.”
  • If this is your first online application to USCIS, you will not have a USCIS Account Number yet.

Has the Social Security Administration (SSA) ever officially issued a Social Security card to you?

  • If Yes:
    • You will be prompted to list your social security number in the box provided. You must then select ‘No’ to the following question.
  • If No:
    • Go to the next question, select ‘Yes,’ and follow the instructions.Select your country of birth information.



Full Instructions for Uploading Evidence

The instructions on USCIS's portal to uplaod the information is quite self-explanatory. Follow them carefully. You will be able to upload of all the required supporting documents:

  • 2 x 2 Passport Style Photographs
  • I-94 Record
  • One of the following:
    • Previously Issued Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card); OR
    • Government-issued identity document (such as a passport) showing your picture, name, and date of birth. The identity document must clearly show your facial features and contain your biographical information.
  • Previously authorized CPT or OPT 
    • Only if applicable; upload I-20’s with former CPT or OPT details.
  • Form I-20
    • Upload the I-20 you have received from OISS after we processed your ‘OPT I-20 Recommendation Application.

For STEM OPT Applicants:

  • If you are applying for your STEM OPT Extension you will see additional fields to submit your transcripts and your diploma on this page.



Additional Information

For Post-Completion OPT Applicants

If you have previously authorized CPT or OPT and do not have former I-20s with these details, you should do the following:

  • Section: Evidence
  • Page: Previously authorized CPT or OPT
  • Question: Previously Authorized CPT or OPT
  • Additional information: 
    • State whether it was CPT or OPT
    • Dates of previously authorized practical training.
    • Degree Level
    • SEVIS ID
    • Receipt/Card Number (if known/applicable).

Potentially any additional information that is pertinent to your OPT application. If in doubt, feel free to ask OISS.

For STEM OPT Applicants

Potentially any additional information that might be pertinent to your application, but for the most part you might leave this section blank. If in doubt feel free to check with OISS.


Review and Submit Your Application

Please carefully review each section of your application. The online-filing system will show you potential errors/alerts there might be.

  • Check that that you are within the 30-day window after the date your Post-Completion OPT I-20 was issued. Do not submit if it is outside this timeframe and contact the OISS for assistance.
  • Verify that all information is correct and digitally sign and submit your application.
  • Pay the required application fee. Remember that once you pay the fee, there can be no changes to your application as it will be considered submitted.


Linking a Paper Application to a USCIS Account

If you have already filed a paper application with USCIS, it is possible to link it to a USCIS account. This will enable you to view your case status and history, and have the options to send secure messages, view notices, upload additional evidence, and respond to Requests for Evidence. 

After mailing in your application to USCIS, you will receive an I-797 Notice of Action. This is your receipt notice which will contain the receipt number of your case.  After receiving this notice and creating a USCIS account, click on “My account,” then “Add a paper filed case,” and then enter your receipt number.  

Alternatively, if you did not file your case online but received a “USCIS Account Access Notice,” you will be able to use the Online Access Code indicated on the notice to add the case to your account.


Other Tulane OPT Resources