OISS Building Closure 

Due to the New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane University on Thursday, March 27 through Saturday, March 29, OISS will adjust our building operations to accomodate higher traffic in the Uptown area. Our office will close early on Thursday, March 27 at 4:30 PM and our building will be physically closed all of Friday, March 28. We will reopen for normal building operations on Monday, March 31. If you have an in-person appointment, please connect with your OISS advisor to discuss switching to virtual. 

 - The OISS Team

Prospective Students

Prospective Students

We're so excited you're considering becoming part of Tulane.

Whether you're a first-time student or looking to transfer, we will make sure you have all the right tools and information to start your Tulane journey successfully.

applying to tulane

Applying to Tulane

Change of Status

close up of flower, students sitting

Transferring to Tulane