Blake Berkowitz

DIS Stockholm, Sweden

Fall 2018


Name: Blake Berkowitz, Class of 2020


Program: DIS Stockholm, Sweden, Fall 2018

Fields of Study: Neuroscience, Minors in Management and Philosophy

How did studying abroad affect your academic and/or professional career?

I was able to take a course on translational medicine that I didn't see offered anywhere else. It exposed me to both the research and clinical field of medicine, which helped me further develop an idea of what I want to do after school.

How did you explore your hobbies, interests, and passions abroad?

I think there were some aspects that were important to plan, such as museums you want to visit or trips you want to take. But for the most part, a lot of opportunities were just sporadically presented to me through my program or other students, and it's important to capitalize on those. Don't wait for a 'good time' to do something, just do it while you can. 

Why would you recommend your respective abroad program or location?

What made my experience different was that it only consisted of 100 Americans and wasn't a traditional program. I got to live off campus with locals as my neighbors. Rather than being stuck in a university bubble, this made it easier to immerse myself into the society. Additionally, there was a shared kitchen for the floor, which made it easy to befriend the locals. And finally, because it was a small program, the faculty did an amazing job integrating the students into the city through weekly field trips and providing extensive background information on the culture.

What should students consider when applying and preparing for their time abroad?

Definitely know what courses you'd take if you get accepted to the program and if you can get credit for them. But if there's a location where you can enroll courses you enjoy and take advantage of a unique culture, then that's the one.

Share a story about a time you experienced cultural immersion.

I got to be a part of a visiting host program. As opposed to living with local families like a homestay, I got to visit a local family once a month at their place to learn more about their culture. I'd speak basic Swedish with them and they'd expose me to unique cultural practices.